Sunday, February 28, 2010

Corporate Holiday Gifts for Coworkers who Love Reading

Many of our coworkers just love reading. They may be fond of reading Books, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines. And one can find them reading something even during lunch break. In fact, if they don’t find anything else to read, then one may even find them busy reading their own office files and reports over and over again.

So, this holiday season, while you are looking for unique corporate holiday gifts for coworkers, why not provide them the ideal gifts which they would cherish for a long time. – whether they are in the marketing department, production department, or the accounts section, if they are fond of reading books, then the below presented beautiful selection of highly recommended books can be among  your list of unique corporate holiday gifts for coworkers this holiday season.

During their free time, they would be relaxing in a chair / on their bed, and fondly going through the pages of the book. Every once in a while, they would also be thinking of you. – the person who presented this gift to them. So, this can be a great way to forge an even stronger bond with your friends.

These books need no introduction. Each book shown below is a best seller in its own field, written by world renowned authors, all of then focus on personal development and are guaranteed to be highly appreciated by your coworkers - be it your immediate superior (your boss), your juniors, secretary, your close work friends etc.

For the book lovers, these gifts are sure to put a smile on their face and a permanent place in their hearts for you, as giving books with the well being of the recipient in mind is always a superb gesture.

Below are some very good books which you may consider:-

1) Think and Grow Rich.

2) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

3) Awaken the Giant Within.

4) Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

5) Who Stole my Cheese.

6) How to win Friends and Influence People.

7) The Millionaire Next Door.

Books make the ideal and unique corporate holiday gifts for coworkers and relatives alike. Such though provoking and useful books would be read again and again and the reader is bound to remember you for the thoughtful present given to him.

I would soon be presenting another selection of unique corporate holiday gifts for coworkers which you can present to your valued friends.


I hope you found the above selection of unique corporate holiday gifts to be enjoyable for your friends . As always, comments are Welcome and Encouraged.

P.S. If your friends really enjoyed these gifts, then please consider helping us out and spreading the word. Thanks